The Wilds - A Play by Email Labyrinth Lord Game
This is an archive of the game I started running in November 2012. You can find all these posts via
the tag cloud, but here they are in order. The show is now over, having run for three years and seven days. Let's just say... it did not end well for the party.
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- Aggressive Expansion
- Follow that Trog!
- The Trail Goes Cold
- What has gone on Before
- Rise from the Dead!
- Do Not Feed the Reptiles
- Scratch that Last, Feed the Reptiles!
- Pull the Other One
- Don't Drop Him!
- Into the Darkness (again)
- It's a Trap!
- Get Killed with Fire?
- Hard Headed
- Brief Backgrounder
- Flames of Battle
- That's the way we do it in Blackpool!
- Brute Squad? No Brute-Bridge!
- Wild Swings
- Doom?!
- Aftermath
- Fortified
- Tick Tock
- Stuff and, Aaah! Monster!
- Up and Out
- Down, Left, Right?
- Further Exploration
- Out of the Frying Pan...
- Too Oily
- Still Burning
- Out of the Fire
- After Them!
- Pit Stop
- Foul Air
- Blood Pit
- Death Pit is Death
- Stench of Death
- By the Light of the Moon
- Follow the Pack
- Who Watches the Watchmen?
- Full Retreat
- Drunk Dialing
- What's Over There?
- Redial, Rebuild, and Retrace
- Once more into the Wilds
- Scat!
- Nest Robbers
- Moving On!
- Night Light
- Step into the Light
- Pathless
- Path, No Shrubbery
- Murder Hobos at the Gate
- Foot in the Door
- Friends?
- Bacon
- Into the Trees
- Rivers: Nature's Roadways
- Ill-met by Starlight
- Night Chase
- Dancing Lights
- Deadly Lights
- Blistered and Sore
- Woodland, Wonderland, Wanderland?
- My Kingdom for a Road
- Truckin'
- Hike on
- From Beyond the Grave!
- The Final Slog
- Oh Snap!
- Update
- Chaotic Update
- A Bit of Mapping
- Still Shopping (and other things)
- Corpse Run
- Soggy
- No Damn Good in the Mud
- Before Midnight
- These are not the Ghosts You're Looking For
- Back to Blackpool (almost)
- Find the Halfling!
- That's no Halfling!
- Cleanup, Aisle Z
- The Road Home
- To the Gates
- Town Again?
- Clear and Free
- Cloudy with a Chance of Bird-things
- Move on. Nothing to See Here
- Old Bones and Old Stones
- Post Holiday Blues
- Fateful Paths
- Road Trip
- New Roads to Follow
- Ruinous
- Breech the Gate
- Say Hello to my Little Friend
- What could Possibly Go Wrong?
- Together Again!
- Stuck Up
- Moving Again?
- I Spy
- Sneakin'
- Ambush?
- Execute!
- Don't Split... Ah Nevermind
- Grave Duty
- Where did Every-Body Go?
- Crossroads is under attack!
- Tomb-inated
- Turn About
- Death's Door?
- The Icy Hand of...
- So Cold
- Back with a Plan
- [Insert Title Here]
- A Chilling Development
- Keep your Dead, Really
- Jackpot
- Eastbound
- The Road Home
- On the Border
- Civilized
- Townies
- R&R
- Some Meta
- What's Up?
- Spring Fever
- Mostly OOC
- Out and Aboot
- Back to Blackpool. Again.
- Walkin' in the Rain
- Cloudy with a Chance of Frog Legs
- Circling the Maze
- Camped
- Oh Snap! (round two)
- Wet War
- Mud Show/Blood Show
- Down and out in Blackpool
- Cleanup, Hut Three
- Tense
- The Kobold Conversations
- Nothing Like a bit of Rain
- Tight Quarters
- Hot, Damn Hot!
- More Doors
- Goals and Objections
- Divide and Conquor
- Fooling About
- Hall Crawl
- Kobold Ambush
- Tactical Retreat
- In the Dark
- Geckos?
- Broken Ambush
- Mop Up
- Two Steps Forward
- Knock Knock Necro
- Death Pit, Round Two
- One Down...
- Tasty Cleric
- Death Count Holding (For Now)
- Demise?
- A Wrap, of Sorts
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