Saturday, March 15, 2014

PBE Games - Updates

I haven't done one of these since the end of February. Behind schedule! Here are the latest releases:

And a couple preview images...
Tunnel and Cave - One-third scale preview
Battered Wall - Preview
And finally, there's a 50% discount on Tunnel and Cave available right now. Good until the end of March.

Happy gaming!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Tile of the Week #3

The latest Tile of the Week entry. Sometimes you just need a looooong hallway. This one features elevated balconies, a large crevice, and decorative pillars and statues. Perfect for a running battle.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Nameless Coast - First Hexes

I've spent some time this past week getting organized and doing some map tweaks to get moving on this project. I'm using TiddlyWiki 5 to record ongoing developments, along with a spreadsheet to provide a tabular look at the various groups that come out of the group / event simulation I'm doing.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Wilds - Brute Squad? No Brute-Bridge!

After a fiery introduction the party has taken the initiative, for now, from the shaggy foes. Will the group follow Raúguey's bold leap into the next hall, or will they die of smoke inhalation? Let's find out!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Tile of the Week #2

The latest Tile of the Week entry. This is a more random-dungeon style entry, with several secret passages, a nice slime-room, and a large, fancy room with lots of pillars, statues, and fountains/pools.

Player Version

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle, if you're feeling lazy.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wilds - That's the way we do it in Blackpool!

In which a very poor tactical situation is turned on its head, possibly leading to another poor tactical situation.