Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cold Shades

These are the creatures the party in my Labyrinth Lord PBEM game, The Wilds, ran into a few turns back and then again a few turns later. I thought I'd spec them out, LL-style and share. They're similar to wraiths but colder.

Warning: players in my Wilds game keep out!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Wilds - Some Meta

Since the party is dealing with logistics, levels and such...

When this game started, it was going to be a dungeon-crawl game, and because I run it via email, the pace is slooow. I didn't do a lot of prep for the game before I started it up because I wasn't sure how long it was going to last. I needed a map, because I always need a map. I threw together the current overland map of Hembard Wilds as the area west with minimal thought.

That was 2 1/2 years ago.

Recently, in part because the party has become more interested in town/civilization things, I've been doing some research/work on figuring out exactly how big the place is and how many people live there. Guided by some material gleaned from ACKS discussions and an excellent article on medieval demographics as they relate to gaming...

Behold! The Wilds, realm of Thambar the Prudent, Lord of Hembard Wilds, Defender of Highcliff Keep, Recognized Lord of the Peerage of the Kingdom of Jal, Meisterburger of Auslaug, Hustwood, and Brekkevale.

  • Total area: 6000 square miles, about 3.8 million acres (Connecticut-sized).
  • Farmed acreage: 238,000
  • Rural population: 81,000
  • Urban population: 7500
  • Total population: 88,500 (Connecticut: about 3.5 million)
  • Average population per square mile: 19
  • Overall size of economy: 2.36 million GP annually


  • Tenant Farmers: 11,000
  • Freeholds: 1400
  • Manors: 59 (essentially super-sized freeholds)
  • Wilders: 1000 (trappers, hunters, woodcutters, etc.)
Map-wise, the area claimed by Thambar is the exposed portion from just west of New Town to Highcliff Keep and Auslaug in the east. Now I have a hex by hex breakdown of population to work with and some grasp of the local economy. Doing actual land-area calculations is a bit of an eye-opener. I can see that:

  • Thambar has a huge amount of land available, probably too much to be held effectively. I need more second tier nobles around.
  • The area is very thinly populated. Overall, about 6% of the land is in use. That makes some sense based on the map and local history. Quite a bit of it is forested/semi-wild land and the inhabitants are doing frontier clear-cut farming. Auslaug, the oldest town, and Highcliff, the main castle, were both founded about 100 years ago. Hustwood and Brekkevale are 80-90 years old. All in all, it's a recently settled area.
One upshot of all this is that the main towns probably have more businesses than I'd thought, and I'll be adding some stuff to the main towns during the course of play going forward. Next time I set up a sandbox I'll definitely be paying more attention to the local economy and demographics before I start.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Tile of the Week #79

Here is today's Tile of the Week entry. I did up a few transition tiles with stairs/shafts up and down. This is the second in the series, an intersection with connection stairs.

Tile 79 Player

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle if you're feeling lazy.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Wilds - R&R

Back in town, the party takes care of business. It was a profitable, if costly, trip, and quite a few characters gained a level. Most of the group is 4th level now. The loss of Jonquil, Tesso and Gorvil has inspired Saurabh. He has asked to join the group as a full-fledged adventurer, leaving behind his hireling role.

The party is giving serious thought to holing up in town for the remainder of the winter. None of them see the appeal of spending January and February out in the ice and snow.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Wilds - Townies

Ingvar the reeve does his job quickly and efficiently, haggling a bit over some of the jeweled items, but willing to set a fair value. As you progress through the various piles of furs, gold, and jewelry he makes careful notations on his tablet. Ohwatoo does the same on a piece of parchment. The whole process takes over an hour, and the light is all but gone by the time you're done. Ingvar glances at the sky, then at the long list of items on his tablet. "It will take some time to transcribe this and create the import manifest." As he speaks, several guards approach, and trade off with the pair who are hanging around you. Those two head toward the bridge, and as Ingvar continues to speak, they close and lock the gate. "The clerk is gone for the night. This will be on his desk first thing tomorrow. I'm sure you'll want to take care of your beasts and find a place to camp for the night." He gives a nod and goes back into the building.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Tile of the Week #78

Here is today's Tile of the Week entry. I did up a few transition tiles with stairs/shafts up and down. This is the first of four such tiles.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wilds - Civilized

The party comes over the ridge with Maro, Grendor and Durego in the lead. The others follow, spread out in case of trouble. They're half-way down the ridge before they draw attention from the people among the tents. Someone nudges an armored guard (?) and points. She looks up, studies the group for a moment, then whistles. A few other guards join her, and move to meet the group as they reach the west end of the settlement. A handful of other folk gather behind the guards, and Maro notes that many of them are armed, a mix of daggers, hand axes, cudgels and other common weapons. "Hold there!" calls the woman in mail, who seems to be in charge. In the fading evening light you can see her shield is emblazoned with the seal of Highcliff Keep. "Who are you and where are you from?"