Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tiddlywiki - Stat Blocks

I've been toying around with stat blocks in Tiddlywiki, trying to come up with a better way to lay them out without creating too many tiddly-related headaches with formatting and such. I'm still not sure I've gotten it right, but here are three work in progress versions of the Akinak, primordial minions of Anamika. These are screenshots taken from Firefox, so they're pretty much what I see at the table.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Anamika - The River Guardian

Anamika is the river primordial my players encountered during the last session of our Daruna campaign (so keep out guys). The stat block that follows is for my own class free version of D&D, but adapting it to other flavors is pretty trivial.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Daruna - Shalish Area Map

I like maps, but not being any kind of artist, I seldom post them here. Nevertheless, here's a regional map of the Shalish area I did for my Daruna game. This was done pen and ink, then scanned and size adjusted.
Shalish Area - Daruna Campaign
Why yes, that is a HUGE river running southwest to northeast.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Character Portraits

A while back I mentioned Eve Online had a new character creator, one that could be used to build some fairly nice looking, science fiction-ish character portraits for use in RPGs. Later I mentioned you could find characters through the Eve forums. Oddly these minor articles get quite a bit of regular search traffic. Apparently there's some demand for character portraits, so... have a few. I picked a few random portraits out of the forums to give you some idea what's available.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Tiddlywiki - Minor Issue

I generally wax positive about Tiddlywiki as a GM tool for campaign notes, but the session I just ran uncovered out a couple flaws with using it. Neither is a deal-breaker, and both have potential solutions.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Magic Item: The Sun Globe

This magical object is a three-inch globe of polished amber, shot through with twisting veins of some deep blue stone. It emits a faint radiance at all times, and once its secret is unlocked it can be commanded to do any of the following:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Daruna Session Notes, Part II

The continuation of the session notes from my most recent Daruna game. This is part two of two. Part one can be found right here. At the end of part one the party had just recovered the icon missing from Anamika's shrine and restored it, allowing the ferry across the Chungal River to start running again.