This page summarizes the posts related to The Colony, a play-by-email game I'm running using Labyrinth Lord.
General Information
The Turns
- Docking Maneuvers - Landing and dealing with the bureaucracy
- Cruisin' the City - Initial exploration and discovery in New Kavlin
- In an Inn - A place to stay and a mystery
- Night Watch - Trying to figure out who/what is causing problems at the White Tulip
- Breakfast - Discussing results with Mosk and planning next steps
- Descent - What lies beyond the grate in the White Tulip's cellar.
- Tunnel Crawl - Exploring the winding passages and chambers of the Old City
- Creeping - Further exploration in the Old City. Sim, Kessel and Maarek return to the White Tulip after a night outside the city
- Conversations in the Shadows - The party negotiates with the People of the Shade.
- Peace in the Shade - With an agreement in place, the party continues their explorations in a new direction, for now.
- The Return - Time to head back to the White Tulip for lunch.
- Road Trip - The party hits the road after accepting a mapping contract.
- Mapping - Exploration begins.
- Descent into the Den - The party finds a ravine that is almost certainly a monster lair.
- Monitoring Developments - An encounter with a gigantic lizard.
- Look! More Blood Footprints! - Following the lizard into its lair.
- It's a Dirty Job - Continuing the exploration.
- Look! Squirrel! - A new direction, because why not?
- March On - Continuing exploration into the forest.
- Forest Parkour - Running away from the forest.
- Homeward Bound - A final bit of exploration before heading home.
- Reports - Post-adventure clean-up.
- In the Field Again - The group quickly heads back out to the lizard ravine to explore.
- Squirmy - Why did it have to be worms?
- Double Header - Back to back turns.
- Beach Party - Exploration along the coast.
- Corpse Town - They're not alive, are they?
- Field and Stream - Exploration and hostility go hand in hand.
- Lost - Things did not go well.
- A View From Above - Some progress on becoming not-lost.
- Discoveries - The party finds a ruin in a narrow valley.
- The Mountain Ruin - Exploring the depths.
- Whispers in the Dark - More freaky visions.
- Delving Deeper - Continued exploration of the mountain ruins.
- Search and Rescue - An encounter with a floating horror.
- Mmm Floaty - The surprised party tries to get their paladin back.
- Creature Lair - Into the den.
- Double Header - Profit at last?
- Sarcophagi - A final stab at loot, and further overland travel in the pouring rain.
- Coastal Highway - The party continues their wandering course.
- River Rafting - A hazardous river crossing gets the party into familiar territory.
- About Town - General treasure divvying and job hunting.
- Silverstream Mine - The party agrees to investigate the mystery of the disappearing miners.
- Dig Dug - At the mine entrance, a slow approach works best.
- Zombies or Not-zombies? - A restless night and a mixed bag of exploration.
- Clanky - Something big and noisy approaches.
- You Go First! - Smoke goes missing.
- Commence Action! - First direct contact with the zombie/not-zombie miners.
- Fighting Retreat - The fight ends, and the party continues their exploration.
- It Wasn't a Rock... - Something is creeping in the dark.
- Rocktopus - The rock-snail-octopus really wants some dinner.
- Exploring - Continued tunnel crawling and surprisingly few encounters.
- Round Two - The party returns to the Silverspring Mine after a nice rest.
- Beyond the Doors - An unexpected find in the mine, fancy bronze doors.
- Words of Wisdom - Further exploration in the depth of the Silverstream.
- Glowy Lights - The party checks out the golem on the first level.
- Secure Searching - Back to the mine after a night's rest.
- Time for a Ride - The party tries out the magic of the pedestal.
- In the Unknown Depths - A strange voice in the dark.
- Ritual Searching - The party engages the enemy.
- Push/Pull - A drawn-out retreat to... safety?
- Bait and Switch - The party escapes the Silverstream Mine.
- Home and Hearth - A brief stay in town, then back to the action.
- I Just Do Eyes - Time for some gems!
- Rescue Efforts - Where's Rennard?
- A Speedy Advance to Failure - The dice gods turn against the party.
- Down for the Count - An inglorious end to the campaign (not a TPK).
PBE Games on DriveThruRPG - Check it out! |
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