This set rendered at 100px per five-foot square and fully compatible with the rest of the Dungeons in Blue line. It includes twelve tiles (EE1-EE12):
- Six 50x50 foot tiles.
- Six 50x100 foot tiles.
- A map legend image detailing all map markup.
- A one-third scale summary map showing all tiles.
- A short readme PDF.
I've also updated the free Dungeons in Blue Master List with information on the latest releases, a new map legend, plus a preview of the next few Dungeons in Blue releases. The Master List includes preview images of all Dungeons in Blue products plus a small set of free sample geomorphs, so it's well worth grabbing. Upcoming products include:
- Edges and Alcoves Set Two - more side and edge geomorphs.
- Entries and Exits Set Two - the companion collection for the current release.
- Tunnels and Passages - a big set of connection tiles with lots of corridors, caves, and passages.
- Parts and Pieces Pack - a bundle deal that includes all the above-mentioned stuff, plus the previously released Icon Pack One and Icon Pack Two (all at a discount of course).
And speaking of discounts, it's been over six months since the release of Deadly Blows and Koslac's Crossing, so I've dropped the list price on both these products. You can see all these and more on PBE Games' publisher page.
Thanks for reading, happy dungeons!