Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, New Tile of the Week #45

Here's the first Tile of the Week entry for the new year. This is the first of four quarter-sized tiles, each with a transition to a different elevation within the tile.

Tile 45 - Player version

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle, if you're feeling lazy.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve

Yes, I am a sad excuse for a human being. I'm celebrating New Years Eve with a boat cruise in Minecraft.

I'm in a boat!

Happy New Year to all my readers and all the folks that have supported PBE Games over the last (almost) two years. Many thanks.

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Wilds - Old Bones and Old Stones

Back in the saddle with the Wilds, at least for one turn this week. Holidays always wreak havoc with the turn schedule, and no one likes holiday travel!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

PBE Games - Last Call for 2014

The end of the year is Coming Soon (TM), so I thought I'd better put out a final update on PBE Games releases before 2014 winds down. I've published close to 150 products this year, about triple last year's total. Here are the latest.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Tile of the Week #44 - Big Time

This is the latest Tile of the Week entry. I recently started building tiles with triple-wide corridors, so I thought I'd throw a few examples out here. This is a formal-looking intersection / chamber complex, maybe a tomb or vault.

Tile of the Week 44 - Player Version

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle, if you're feeling lazy.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Wilds - Move On. Nothing to See Here

With the basic nature of the flying foes in Nest Tower discovered, the party decides to avoid a fight with flying foes and seek riches elsewhere. After a quiet night, they pack up and head back to the hirelings and guards. Once reunited with the others they pack up everything, head for the Needle jump to the Fridge, and recover all their supplies, a series of tasks that takes quite a while.

Once everything is reorganized, the party heads northwest, threading the gap between Nest Tower and Corpse Hill, making a beeline for for Tragor's Hold. Once again the group discovers how painfully slow it is to travel with heavily laden mules. Dusk finds the party just a handful of miles northwest of FOB1 (which was undisturbed since the party's last visit).

[November 10] After a quiet night the party continues traveling northwest into thicker forest, good cover but slow going. They cross a narrow creek that marks the transition from oaks and maples to pines and cedars. They also stumble across old bones (not that old, perhaps a few months) along the creek's banks. They appear to be humanoid skeletons mixed with those of pack animals or horses, all hacked, scattered, and gnawed. "I don't like the looks of this," says Rawon.

"At least it isn't us," answers Ohwatoo.

"Should we bury them?" asks Durego.

"We don't have time for that nonsense. We just spent weeks dealing with a corpse. I don't want to waste more time on these unknowns," says Ingvild.

"We wouldn't have wasted that time if we'd done the right thing in the first place."

Maro sighs and shakes his head, eyes on the surrounding woods. Raúguey says, "Maybe we should search the area, see if they left anything behind."


I know you guys have a good plan in place, but with the holiday coming I thought I'd give you something to mull over along the way.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Tile of the Week #43

The latest Tile of the Week entry. This is the fourth and final of four quarter-sized tiles, each with a cross-tile stream running along one edge. You can combine these by matching up the stream-sides in any combination to create short river sections. You can also pair them up with tiles #11 and #12 to create more combinations.

Tile 43 - Player Version

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle, if you're feeling lazy.