Thursday, September 5, 2013

Dungeons in Blue - Icon Pack One Released

The first icon pack for Dungeons in Blue virtual tabletop geomorph tiles is now available!

This product contains over 75 map icons designed for use with Dungeons in Blue geomorph tiles and your favorite virtual tabletop software. Icons are drawn using the same style and scale (100px per five foot square) as the original maps, allowing you to quickly and easily customize your map. The icons in this pack include:

  • Trees, altars, statues, and pillars
  • Boulders, individual and arranged in piles and markers
  • Slime patches and stalagmites
  • Grates, curtains, and cages
  • Pits, wells, stairs, and pools
  • Normal, trap, and false doors
  • Wall and floor tiles to cover unwanted features

This product also includes a copy of the latest map key. You can check it out right here, right now, and if you're an impulse buyer, you can use this link to pick up the product for $1.29 between now and September 15th, 2013, a 25% discount off the regular price.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Photo of the Week - The Birdhouse

Almost forgot to post something today. This is a really crusty birdhouse I found along the edge of an open field at Fort Ouiatenon Park. It's seen better days. Perhaps it's occupied by undead birds?

Also, a happy little butterfly.

Images copyright Mark A. Thomas
Creative Commons CC BY-NC 3.0

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Path of Exile

I first played (and wrote about) Path of Exile (PoE) about a year ago during the early phases of the beta process. Recently I stuck my toe back in to test the waters. One of the nice things about free-to-play games is that it's easy to jump back in after a hiatus. After a big client patch, I was back in and running. My original characters were all there, but wiped back to level one, not surprising given then were created during a beta weekend. I wrote up a long list of info for my friends to see if I could incite some of them to give the game another try, and after rereading it, I realized it was a pretty good summary of the starting experience, so, here it is:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Photo of the Week

I took today's photos at Celery Bog, a wetland preserve in West Lafayette. It's a great little park with a variety of terrain. Most of the time you think of Indiana as flat and open, but there's surprising variety in this little park. Aside from the obvious wetland area, which despite the name is actually a marsh, there's wooded area (Indiana used to be mostly forested believe it or not), and a section that's been allowed to revert to prairie grasses. This is what the bog looks like right now. This is why wilderness exploration is slow!
Celery Bog in August
Most photographers that visit the site focus on waterfowl. I've seen the usual geese and ducks, plus bald eagles, osprey, assorted herons, kingfishers, woodpeckers, and a host of others, but without a long lens most bird photos turn out pretty bad. I tend to go smaller, like this little dude. Found him in a small stand of milkweed just at the edge of the marsh. Sadly he was all alone.
Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar
Finally I decided to play around with Gimp and G'MIC again, using the bog image above. This is the result of applying pencil sketch to the image above.
Sketch Mode
Images copyright Mark A. Thomas
Creative Commons CC BY-NC 3.0

Monday, August 26, 2013

Wilds - Mule, Applied Directly to the Forehead!

So how does one level up a mule?

The party continues their fight against the blood-sucking giant ticks that invaded their camp at nightfall.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wilds - Tick TOCK!

Last turn, the party was ambushed by some multi-legged creatures that had been lurking in the trees above their camp. Let's see how that works out... Who lives? Who dies?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Photo of the Week

In an effort to A) force myself to take more photos, and B) to post more often, I'll be posting a picture or two each week from recent photo sessions. Most of these will be nature/outdoor stuff, with some macro stuff in the mix. In some cases, like today, I'll be including GIMP-processed versions of the image as well.

Today's image is of a giant horsefly that decided to do some sunbathing on my patio.

Original image
Cropped and sfx'd using G'MIC in Gimp
Images copyright Mark A. Thomas
Creative Commons CC BY-NC 3.0