Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How about that Weather?

So if you're somewhere in a large portion of the United States, you're probably seeing the same thing outside your window that I'm seeing outside mine. Snow. Weather like this always makes me think about outdoor adventures, travel, and how conditions like weather affect play in RPGs. A lot of games that support outdoor adventures or have rules for travel include lots of tables and exceptions for handling things this sort of thing. I generally don't use them. Let me explain.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Current Events

In which I discuss various forms of stuff that I am doing. Last week was a big loss due to a rather nasty bug I caught (along with most of my family). Since I really don't like posting "I'm not posting" posts, things got quiet here. Too quiet. I'm pretty well recovered now, just in time to get hit with more bitterly cold weather. Luckily I managed to get in a nice walk around the neighborhood yesterday, something that's all too rare an occurrence during the winter months here. So with the chit chat out of the way, here's a rundown on the current state of entertainment here.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sick Day - Have a Link

A serious bout with a stomach bug took out my will to write this week, but I hate letting that much time go by without posting anything, so here's a link to a fantastic photography site. Opacity is dedicated to photography of abandoned places. Whether you're looking for inspiration for a haunted house, an abandoned warehouse, or a post-apocalyptic lab, this is the place to look. The sites are amazing and the photography is top notch. Go. Look. Be amazed. Or creeped out.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eve Online - Character Creator

As you may or may not know, Eve Online is an MMO focused on flying around in spaceships doing spaceship stuff. The publisher CCP recently introduced their new character creator, which is used to create the look of your character. The previous character portraits were rather... primitive. The new portraits are a vast step forward. There are still some rough spots with the tool, but I'm very pleased to see CCP modernizing the look of the game.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Minecraft = Legos

If you follow indie video games at all you've probably heard of Minecraft, but it can be hard to figure out exactly what it is without some further research or actually playing the game. So what is it?

It's a giant tub of Legos. With monsters.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Return to Moria - Wrapup

One of the loose ends from my RPG dumping ground blog is my Moria campaign. To recap, the idea was a short campaign set in Tolkien's Moria after the War of the Ring using 1st edition AD&D rules. The campaign is now over, with mixed results, so I thought I'd offer up a recap and snip that loose end.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Next Game - Daruna

Well it's been almost a week and no articles have magically appeared in the blog. I guess I need to work on that. What follows is the brief introduction I wrote for the potential next game for my regular gaming group. It didn't get a huge response from the others, so I'm still not sure what I'll be running.