Back in the depths, the party decides to secure the gem eyes from the frog-thing statue. There are mutterings about statues coming to life, but we know that can't happen, right?
Start Date: August 25th, morning
Start Status: Swimming Hole
Start Location: ???
Adventuring: Rennard, Jinx, Brigg, Smoke, Zenobe
At the Tulip: Castor, Hagan, Xon, Aaron
The Turn
The initial survey of the area around the portal reveals no immediate threat, so the group members turn their collective attention to... loot. Specifically the fire opals in the frog-like statue in the center of the murky pool. Smoke takes the lead on recovering the gems, which are just out of reach from the edge of the former fountain. Before beginning she makes another circuit of the area, including the alcove/hall to the north, listening at each door. Silence. Next, she heads to the pool. "I don't like the look of this water, but I guess there's not much choice."