Thursday, August 6, 2015

Wilds - Wet War

OOC: A general note on conditions: this place is a mess. The water is ankle to shin deep most places, and the pools are waist-deep or more. The ground is thick mud. There are a few boulders that stick up from the water, but it's clear the rains have done a good job flooding this place. The structures you see are made from rough-cut timber and elevated a few feet (on boulders and logs). It looks like the roofs are covered in hides, as are the doorways you can see.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

PBE Games - New (Mostly) Releases

I really need to set a calendar entry for these. I'm terrible at doing them in a timely fashion. Excuses, excuses. The last update was sometime in June, so there are several things to talk about. On the other hand, my output pace as slowed a bit due to other work, so there's not a huge list. Let's just get on with it.
  • First up is a new Uncommon Ground texture: Weaving. This is an upholstery-like pattern in red, green, blue and yellow variants.
  • Ash Wood is a new sandbox hex for Hexed Places. Years ago a falling star landed in this densely wooded area, starting a fire that burned away much of the forest. The woods have grown back in many places, but the area around the landing site is still a burned and blackened ruin. It's probably nothing.
  • I've also released five new Dungeons in Blue Mega Tiles, numbers 16 to 20. These tiles include a confusing mine complex, two watery cavern complexes, a cave and dungeon complex, and a traditional dungeon that's still under construction. You can get all five of these tiles in the Mega Tile Five Pack #4, or get all twenty Mega Tiles in the Mega Tile Big Deal #1. Both these bundles include discount pricing.

That's it for new released products. Looking ahead, I'll be releasing a couple more Uncommon Ground textures plus several sets of Dungeons in Blue Expansion Tiles. Since the end of the original A to Z tile series I've added a bunch of new corridor and passage styles to Dungeons in Blue. Expansion Tiles are complete tile sets that use all these new features, providing you with even more dungeon-building options. I also have another set of five Mega Tiles in the queue, plus more Hexed Places and One Page products lurking in the background.

That about wraps things up. Here are a few images of new and future products to whet your dungeon appetite. Thanks, as always, for reading. Happy gaming.

Mega Tile Sixteen - One-third scale preview
Mega Tile Nineteen - One-third scale preview
Expansion Pack B - One-third scale preview

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Wilds - Oh Snap!

"But we don't know what's in there," says Durego, for the third or fourth time.

"And there's only one way to find out," answers Raúguey, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "They're holed up, and not moving. Maybe there's no one there, or maybe there are guards. With this mud and rain, we're not going to be able to sit out here and watch, and when night comes, they'll find us for sure if they send out patrols. Best hit them fast and hard, before they can react." He looks around the group and sees nods from Grendor, Strom, Ingvild and Maro. Ohwatoo is peering between the reeds, looking at the lake and the ruined tower on the isle, just visible in the mist.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Tile of the Week #86

Here is today's Tile of the Week entry, a simple little passage with a side branch and a small pool of water.

Player Version

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click/save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle if you're feeling lazy.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Wilds - Camped

Start Date: March 28, dawn
Start Status: No damn good in the mud
Start Location: The Wilds, south of the Maze

The Turn

The clouds on the horizon were a sign. Overnight the weather turns miserable. Gusty wind brings rain, thunder and lightning, turning dawn into a gray and dismal affair. Ava managed to do a quick survey of the surrounding woods before the weather got too bad and tells Mordikarr she did not see anything threatening nearby. The party spends the morning moving camp to their chosen site, the small hill with a spring in a shallow cave near the base. Once there, the thoroughly soaked scouts survey the immediate area while the others attempt to create a reasonably dry and safe campsite. The worst of the wet drains away from the site, so the mud is only a few inches deep atop the hill.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

GRAV - A First Look

GRAV, by BitMonster, is a science fiction shooter/sandbox with procedural planets, dungeons, building, crafting and more. It's currently available as an early access title on Steam. I was bored Sunday night, so I decided to check it out. Before we begin, you should take a look at the game's original trailer, right here.

Yes, dancing is a thing, we'll get to that.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Wilds - Circling the Maze

The wooded hills and a nearby stream lead the party to believe that they'll find a good campsite soon. After some debate about direction and distance, the group agrees to explore the current area and to extend their search south a ways to eliminate any possibility of an extant threat to the site they choose.