Friday, May 22, 2015

Tile of the Week #77

Here is today's Tile of the Week entry. This is the fourth of four quarter-sized, dead-end tiles, each with a different connecting passage type. This is a dead-end sewer complex with a couple small side chambers.

Tile 77 - Player version

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle if you're feeling lazy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Wilds - On the Border

After spotting horse, hound and human tracks in the abandoned village, the party proceeds with more caution. As they continue along the roadway, they note the horsemen came and went the same way. "Could be good, could be bad," muttered Durego. "Maybe Lord Thambar is just beefing up patrols."

"If he's still in charge," answeres Grendor.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Tile of the Week #76

Here is today's Tile of the Week entry. This is the third of four quarter-sized, dead-end tiles, each with a different connecting passage type. This is a double-wide cavern that ends in a large worked mine area or under construction cave.

Tile 76 - Player version

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle if you're feeling lazy.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Wilds - East Bound

With the crypts cleared, there is little left to do in Pillar Vale. The collapsed entrances hold some interest, but the party has few tools for excavation, and the wiser party members have finally realized the dire state of their supplies. Even Raúguey's pleas to pick up the cached supplies the group left near Hill Hole fall on deaf ears. Durego says, "We need to head straight back. Odds are we're going to lose at least one mule. If we start losing mules, we can't haul the food we need or the loot we've recovered. We've scored big. Let's get it to safety."

Friday, May 8, 2015

Tile of the Week #75

Here is today's Tile of the Week entry. This is the second of four quarter-sized, dead-end tiles, each with a different connecting passage type. This is a typical 10-foot hall that ends in a couple of small rooms.

Tile 75 - Player version

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle if you're feeling lazy.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Wilds - Jackpot

With the shades defeated, the party turns its attention to the usual subject, grave-robbing.