Tuesday, February 17, 2015

They Call it a Mine

Here's a quick WIP look at a new set of Dungeons in Blue tiles that are in the queue. I started messing around with a rough-hewn look for corridors and walls so I can do mines and new construction. This set is all ten-foot halls and chambers, but the next couple will also have some different connection sizes. This is a one-third scale preview.

I'm not sure when this will come out. I want to get the other two sets done, and I've been busting my hump on some freelance writing to pay the bills, so mapping time has been a bit limited. Don't worry, I have a bunch of stuff in the queue.

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Wilds - Moving Again?

With potential bug mans pursuit on the minds of some of the party, the majority wants to move camp and try to make it more difficult for the enemy to find the potentially vulnerable mules and guards. As the others pack, Mordikarr and Ingvild, two of the three characters against the move, decide to take action. "We're going to go back and set watch on the hole for the night, and see what goes on there. Send someone to relieve us in the morning and to tell us where camp is, and we'll report what we've seen."

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Wilds - Stop Picking at That!

With the spidery foes out of sight or fleeing, Ingvild comes up with a cunning (or suicidal) plan involving sneaking, invisibility, and fire. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Tile of the Week - 53 and 54

The latest Tile of the Week entry. This is another pair of tiles from the ongoing corridor set I'm doing. each pair of player tiles contains a corridor piece with a tileable pillar layout, so you can make long passages that look right. No tricks or traps here, unless you add your own.

Tile 53

Tile 54

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle, if you're feeling lazy.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Wilds - Stuck Up

The party split up, with three members trying to convince mutant-giant Stev to help the party. With a threat to the main group, everyone reunites in chaos...

Friday, February 6, 2015

Tile of the Week - 51 and 52

The latest Tile of the Week entry. This is another pair of tiles from the ongoing corridor set I'm doing. each pair of player tiles contains a corridor piece with a tileable pillar layout, so you can make long passages that look right. No tricks or traps here, unless you add your own.

Tile 51

Tile 52
All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle, if you're feeling lazy.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wilds - Together again!

Well the party split up for the last couple turns, so I held off on putting together a public report until they reformed. For my players, this contains a few spoilers between the group. Nothing super secret, but you've been warned... Here goes...