Friday, August 8, 2014

Tile of the Week #24

The latest Tile of the Week entry. This week it's a natural grand cavern crossed by a small rock-strewn river. What's that on the river bottom?

Tile #24 Player Version

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle, if you're feeling lazy.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Wilds - Path, No Shrubbery

The relatively fresh trail puts the party on alert. Most of the group want to follow the trail south, away from the bog, but Maro and Saurabh want to check out the northern path too. Dagmarten agrees to go with the pair and they head north. Their plan is to follow it for an hour at most and see what they can see. The others poke around the woods along the edge of the bog and curse the rain while they wait for the trio to come back.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Wilds - Pathless

With the sun already past noon, but with easier terrain ahead, the party pushes westward in hopes of finding more signs of old roads, buildings, or ruins. As they travel the lynx kits, now well on their way to full-grown, range out and away from the party, restless with the slow pace and lack of food. Prey has been scarce among the pines, and both kits are looking a bit thin. Rawon's view from the hill-top proves optimistic. The ground ahead is lower, but ridges and dips make straight-line travel tough. The next four or five hours are slow going, and more than once the party finds itself drifting off course north or south. As evening comes on the terrain finally softens, in more ways than one. The hills turn to gentle slopes, but the dips become boggy and wet, with pools of dark-stained water forming in the lowest areas.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

PBE Games - New Stuff

The PBE Games release schedule has been fairly light over the last couple weeks, but it's time for a quick update on what's gone out the door.

Let's start with the Tile of the Week Pack, which collects up my regular Tile of the Week posts from here on the blog into a convenient bundle. It's a pay what you want product, compatible with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. There are two new Uncommon Ground textures: Harsh Land a rough stone texture with a defined horizontal grain; and Lost Rivers, a pebbled stone texture with definitive flow marks. Finally there is a new One Page table, #19 Eerie Sites and Scenes, twenty creepy places you can drop into any fantasy or horror game.

That's it for updates today, told you it'd be quick. Thanks as always for checking things out! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Uncommon Ground - Lost Rivers preview

Friday, August 1, 2014

Tile of the Week #23

The latest Tile of the Week entry. This week's entry is a half-tile grand hallway with regular cross-halls. There's also a little secret tucked away in one wall.

Tile #23 - Player Version

All Tile of the Week images are free for private use. You can download the images above using right-click / save as. Each tile is a 100px per five-foot square image, sized for compatibility with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs. The entire Tile of the Week Collection is also available as a pay what you want bundle, if you're feeling lazy.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wilds - Step into the Light

Last turn the night watch spotted a strange light in the woods, pale green and apparently quite distant...

Monday, July 28, 2014

Firefall - Firefail

This is a hard review for me to write. I really dislike being completely negative about a video game experience, because there's a ton of work behind what I'm experiencing. Sadly, my recent time with Firefall has provided me very little to work with in the plus column.