Thursday, May 1, 2014

Wilds - Further Exploration

A big chunk of exploration and roaming here. The party is facing a ton of choices, and they're not 100% sure which way they want to go. This report covers two turns.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Diablo 3 Consolidated Boss List

With the release of Reaper of Souls for Diablo 3, it's time for a new boss list! This is a consolidated listing of known bosses of interest, specifically those fulfilling the Unique Collection (UC), Special Assignment (SA), or Haunted (HA) achievements, or dropping legendary crafting materials. Listings are alphabetic by boss name, with creature type, location, availability via bounty, legendary drop, and achievement, if any. This information has been culled and gathered from a variety of sources, and is, of course subject to error. You can find more Diablo 3 pages here.

  • Last updated: April 30, 2014

Aloysius the GhastlySoul Ripper, The Keep Depths Level 2, Bounty, Captured Soul
Ancient GuardianSand Behemoth, Forgotten Ruins, Shattered Core
Archivist, TheDark Lorekeeper, The Unknown Depths, Bounty, Shard of Entsteig Plate, UC, HA
Armorer's BaneScavenger, Watch Tower Level 2, Scavenged Scabbard Event, Element of Celerity
AshanguFallen Shaman, Dalguhr Oasis, Deranged Fallen Pond, Rydraeim Tome
AshekFallen Fighter, Black Canyon Mines, UC
Axegrave the ExecutionerSkeleton Executioner, The Keep Depths Level 2, UC
Axgore the CleaverPhasebeast, Core of Arreat, Bounty, Demon Skin, UC
AzmodanUnique Boss, Heart of Sin, Bounty, Lyekurn's Diary
BaethusBarbed Lurker, Battlefields of Eternity, SA
BalataScarab, Ruins of Corvus, Bloody Pincer
Ballartrask the DefilerExecutioner, Pandemonium Fortress Level 2, SA
Bari HattarFlesh Shaman, Ruins of Corvus, SA
Bashface the TruncheonDemon Warrior, Stonefort, Bounty, Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood, UC
BashiokFallen Shaman, Dalguhr Oasis, Bounty, Rydraeim Tome
Belagg PiercefleshSkeleton Archer, The Keep Depths Level 3, Wooden Stake, UC
Bellybloat the ScarredHarvester, Cathedral Level 4, UC
BelphaegorOppressor, Unique Boss, Path of War, Skelon's Dice
BeyattFallen Shaman, Stinging Winds, The Lost Caravan, Rydraeim Tome, UC
BholenGolgor, The Keep Depths Level 2, Bounty, Skull of Raylend
Blarg the FoulGoatman Warrior, The Battlefields, Bridge of Korsikk, UC
Blarg the ImpDessicated Imp, Desolate Sands, UC
BloodfeatherBlood Hawk, Desolate Sands, UC
BlooneBlood Hawk, Battlefields of Eternity, Realm of the Banished, SA
BorgothOppressor, Battlefields of Eternity, Realm of the Banished, Bounty, Skelon's Dice
BrakanCultist, Highlands Cave, Apothocary's Brother Event, Bounty, Cultist Blood
BricktopDemon Warrior, Stonefort, Bounty, Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood
BrimstonePhasebeast, Tower of the Damned Level 2, Bounty, Demon Skin
Burrask the TunnelerScavenger Worm, Battlefields of Eternity, SA
Burrow BileScavenger, Fields of Misery, Forlorn Farm Event, Bounty, Element of Celerity
BusawDemon Warrior, Unique Boss, Rakkis Crossing, Crazy Climber Event, Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood
Cadhul the DeathcallerDark Summoner, Southern Highlands, Behistun Rune
Captain CageSkeleton Warrior, Cathedral Level 2, 4 (?), Bounty, Woven Plate, UC
Captain DaleSkeleton Warrior, The Keep Depths Level 1, Bounty, Woven Plate, UC
Captain Donn AdamsSkeleton, The Keep Depths Level 1, Bounty, Woven Plate
Captain GerberRevenant Soldier (?), Westmarch Commons, SA
CelikCorrupted Angel, Pandemonium Fortress Level 2, Angelic Shard
Charuch the SpearGoatman Ranger, Tower of the Damned Level 1, UC
ChiltaraLacuni Stalker, Caverns of Frost Level 2 (?), Frozen Blood, Urn of Quickening, Gibbering Gemstone, UC
Chupa KhazraGoatman Shaman, Southern Highlands, Torn Soul
CrabbsStygian Crawler, Tower of the Damned Level 2, Bounty, Bloody Pincer
Crassus the TormentorGrotesque, Halls of Agony Level 2, Bounty, Human Cartilage
CreampuffPurple Pony, Whimsyshire, Mystical Source
Crusher, TheDemon Warrior, The Keep Depths Level 2, Bounty, Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood, UC
CudgelarmGrotesque, Cathedral Level 2, Human Cartilage, UC
Dale HawthorneDeadeye Archer, Westmarch Commons, SA
DataminerGhastly Gravedigger, Defiled Crypt, Bounty, Born's Key, HA
DeadgraspHerald of Pestilence, The Battlefields, Bounty, Phial of Weakness, UC
Demonika the WickedSuccubus, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Bounty, Defiled Doll, UC
Digger O'DellGhastly Gravedigger, Defiled Crypt, Bounty, Born's Key
Direclaw the DemonflyerFlying Demon, Rakkis Crossing, UC
DragusDemon Warrior, Unique Boss, Stonefort, Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood
Dreadclaw the LeaperBurrowing Leaper, Fields of Misery, Element of Celerity, UC
Drury BrownGhostly Murderer, Defiled Crypt, Born's Key, UC, HA
Ebenezer SamuelDeceased Scribe, Old Tristram Road, Mass Grave, UC
EmikdevaWarscarred Ravager, Battlefields of Eternity, Timeless Prison, Skelon's Dice
EndikuGhoul, Festering Woods, Eternal War Event, Bounty, Cartographer's Toolkit
EnmerkarSkeleton, Festering Woods, Last Stand of the Ancients Event, Bounty, Woven Plate
ErachLacuni, Stinging Winds, Urn of Quickening
ErdithDeath Maiden, Briarthorn Cemetary, SA
ErelusCorrupted Angel, Battlefields of Eternity, Angelic Shard
ErnutetSand Behemoth, Desolate Sands, Ancient Device Event, Shattered Core
Evil OliverCuddle Bear, Whimsyshire, Eternal Power Capsule
FangbiteWinged Blood Drinker, Paths of the Drowned, SA
Fearby the Prowler?, ?, SA
Fecklar's GhostEnraged Phantom, The Festering Woods, Bounty, Shard of Entsteig Plate, UC, HA
FirestarterCarrion Bat, Cathedral Level 2, Bounty, Sydryu Bone, UC
GarganugGolgor, Rakkis Crossing, Bounty, Skull of Raylend
Gart the MadFallen Overlord, Howling Plateau, UC
GholashBrute / Ghoul, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Bounty, Cartographer's Toolkit, UC
GlidewingBat, Cathedral Level 1, Bounty, Sydryu Bone
GnawboneFallen Hound, Arreat Crater Level 1, Hilt of the Silver Wolf
GorathraQuillfiend, Tristram Road, Musty Cellar, Shimmering Quill
GormungandrRock Worm, Arreat Crater, UC
Gorog the BruiserGolgor, Core of Arreat, Bounty, Skull of Raylend, UC
Gout Foot Johnson?, ?, SA
GozmolBogan Hunter, ?, SA
Grand InquisitorCultist, Halls of Agony Level 1, Cultist Blood
Grimnight the SoullessNightmare, Silver Spire Level 2, Captured Nightmare, UC
GrimsmackGhoul, Festering Woods, Bounty, Cartographer's Toolkit
GrowlfangFallen Hound, Skycrown Battlements, Bounty, Hilt of the Silver Wolf, UC
Gugyn the GauntletDemonic Tremor, Keep Depths Level 3, UC
HammersmashMallet Lord, Hellrift Level 2, Bounty, Quaking Vial
HandibleHerald of Pestilence, The Battlefield, Triage Event, Bounty, Phial of Weakness
HauresNightmare, Silver Spire Level 2, Bounty, Captured Nightmare, UC
Hawthorne GableEnraged Phantom, Festering Woods, Bounty, Shard of Entsteig Plate
HaxxorPhasebeast, Tower of the Cursed Level 2, Bounty, Demon Skin, UC
HaziaelCorrupted Angel, Realmwalker Portal in Battlefields of Eternity, Bounty, Angelic Shard
Hazzor the ViperSerpent Demon, Sewers of Caldeum, UC
HeadcleaverSkeleton, Unique Boss, Leoric's Passage, The Legacy of Cain, Eyes of the Dead
HedrosCorpse Summoner (?), Briarthorn Cemetary, SA
HellscreamBat, The Unknown Depths, Sydryu Bone, UC
High Cultist MurdosCultist, Alcarnus, Bounty, Cultist Blood, UC
HyaduresAnarch / Exarch (?), Pandemonium Fortress Level 1, SA
Hyrug the MalformedKhazra, Tower of the Cursed level 1, UC
Igor StalfosFallen Warrior, Westmarch Commons, SA
IzualUnique Boss, The Great Span, Bounty, Angelic Shard
Jezeb the ConjurorDark Summoner, Leoric's Manor, Bounty, Behistun Rune, UC
Jhorum the ClericCultist, Alcarnus, Bounty, Cultist Blood
John Gorham CoffinGhastly Gravedigger, Defiled Crypt, Born's Key, HA
Jonathan Muddlemore?, ?, SA
Judge AlzariusCorrupted Angel, Pandemonium Fortress Level 1, Judgement Event, Angelic Shard
Kao'AhnMorlu, Gardens of Hope Tier 2, Bounty, Shuddering Demon Bone
Keeper HashemelOppressor, Battlefields of Eternity, Timeless Prison, Skelon's Dice
KhatunArmored Destroyer, Gardens of Hope 1st Tier, Bounty, Demon Skin, UC
Killian DamortSkeleton Archer, Cathedral Level 4, Bounty, Wooden Stake
KorchorothWarscarred Ravager, Battlefields of Eternity, Timeless Prison, Skelon's Dice
Krailen the WickedDark Summoner, Leoric's Manor, Bounty, Behistun Rune
Kysindra the WretchedSuccubus, Silver Spire Level 1, Bounty, Defiled Doll, UC
Lacocious the DiseasedRat Summoner, The Plague Tunnels Level 1, SA
Lady VictoriaSuccubus, Unique Boss, Westmarch Commons, House of Deep Sorrow Event, Defiled Doll
LashtongueSoul Ripper, The Keep Depths Level 1, Bounty, Captured Soul
LavarinthGhoul, Rakkis Crossing, Blaze of Glory Event, Bounty, Cartographer's Toolkit
LograthRat Summoner, The Plague Tunnels Level 1, SA
Logrut the WarriorGoatman Fighter, Highland Crossing, Southern Highlands, UC
Lord DunhyldEnraged Phantom, Defiled Crypt, Matriarch's Bones Event, Bounty, Shard of Entsteig Plate
Lorzak the PowerfulGoatman Shaman, Southern Highlands, Bounty, Torn Soul, UC
Lucious the DepravedGrave Robber, Cemetary of the Forsaken, Born's Key, UC, HA
Lummock the BruteFallen Brute, Skycrown Battlements, Rakkis Crossing, UC
Mage Lord CaustusGuardian, The Storm Halls, UC
Mage Lord FlaydrenGuardian, The Unkown Depths, UC
Mage Lord GhuyanGuardian, The Storm Halls, UC
Mage Lord SkomaraGuardian, Storm Halls, UC
MaghdaUnique Boss, Lair of the Witch, Bounty, Maghda's Tormented Soul
MagretharPrimordial Scavenger, Battlefields of Eternity, Realm of the Banished, Bounty, Glowing Ore
Maiden of FlameDeath Maiden, Unique Boss, Westmarch Heights
Malfeas the AbhorrentMorlu Incinerator, Radiant Chapel, Living Flame
MalthaelUnique Boss, Heart of the Fortress, Bounty, Reaper's Fear
MangeScavenger, The Weeping Hollow, Bounty, Element of Celerity, UC
ManglemawUnburied, Unique Boss, Defiled Crypt Level 2, A Shattered Crown Quest, Human Cartilage
MarchocyasWinged Horror, Skycrown Battlements, UC
Matanzas the LoathsomeExorcist (?), Westmarch Commons, SA
Mehshak the AbominationAccursed, The Battlefields, UC
Merrium SkullthornSkeletal Fighter, Cathedral Level 2, Bounty, Eyes of the Dead, UC
MicheboarExecutioner (?), Westmarch Heights, SA
Midnight SparklePurple Pony, Whimsyshire, Mystical Source
Monstrous Dune ThresherSand Thresher, Stinging Winds, Essense of the Twin Seas
Moontooth DreadsharkSand Thresher, Sewers of Caldeum, Essense of the Twin Seas
Morghum the BeastBogan Tusker, Blood Marsh, SA
MundunogoFallen Shaman, Dalguhr Oasis, Rydraeim Tome
Nak QujinBlood Hurler, Ruins of Corvus, SA
Nak SaruggBlood Hurler, Ruins of Corvus, SA
NightmarityPurple Pony, Whimsyshire, Mystical Source
NingishDeceiver Magi, Caldeum Sewers, Iron Wolves Doctrine
Oah'TashMorlu, Gardens of Hope Tier 2, Bounty, Shuddering Demon Bone
ObsidiousPrimordial Scavenger (?), Battlefields of Eternity, SA
Old Man, TheWood Wraith, Fields of Misery, Secluded Grove, White Oak Splinter
Otzi the CursedAccursed, Eastern Channel, UC
Pan FezbanePack Leader, Westmarch Heights, SA
PercepeusCultist, Northern Highlands, Bounty, Cultist Blood
Phyneus the GrowlerPack Dog, Westmarch Commons, SA
PontiusDark Summoner, Westmarch Commons, Behistun Rune
PurahCorpse Summoner (?), Briarthorn Cemetary, SA
Pyres the DamnedCorrupted Angel, Silver Spire Level 1, Bounty, Angelic Shard, UC
Qurash the ReviledLarge Spider, Caverns of Araneae, UC
Ragus GrimlowGrotesque, Cathedral Level 1, UC
Raiha the ViciousLacuni, Desolate Sands, Bounty, Urn of Quickening, UC
Rathlin the WidowmakerArachnid Horror, Caverns of Araneae, UC
Razael the FearedWinged Assassin, Pandemonium Fortress Level 1, SA
RazielEnraged Phantom, Sewers of Caldeum, Chiman's Curse Chest Event, Shard of Entsteig Plate
RazorclawArmored Destroyer, Gardens of Hope Tier 2, The Light of Hope Quest, Demon Skin
RazormouthSand Thresher, Black Canyon Mines, Bounty, Essense of the Twin Seas, UC
Red RockSavage Beast, Southern Highlands, UC
Rhau'KyeMorlu Incinerator, Silver Spire Level 2, Bounty, Living Flame, UC
RiplashSoul Ripper, Tower of the Damned Level 2, UC
RockgutSand Behemoth, Unknown Depths, Shattered Core
RockulusPrimordial Scavenger, Realm of the Banished, Glowing Ore, SA
Saha the SlasherLacuni Stalker, Howling Plateau, Bounty, Urn of Quickening, UC
SammashBerserker, Alcarnus
Sao'ThallMorlu Incinerator, Silver Spire Level 2, Living Flame, UC
Sarella the VileCultist, Leoric's Manor Courtyard, Cultist Blood, UC
SarkothQuillfiend, Tristram Road, Dank Cellar, Shimmering Quill
SartorPrimordial Scavenger, Battlefields of Eternity, Bounty, Glowing Ore
Scathach the SavageLacuni, Caverns of Frost Level 2 (?), Urn of Quickening
ScorpitoxStygian Crawler, The Core of Arreat, Bounty, Bloody Pincer
ScythysAnarch / Exarch (?), Pandemonium Fortress Level 1, SA
SeverclawStygian Crawler, Core of Arreat Level 1, Bounty, Bloody Pincer, UC
Shade of Nar GuileEnraged Phantom, Sewers of Caldeum, Shard of Entsteig Plate
ShanabiScavenger, Fields of Misery, The Lost Mine / Precious Ores Event, Bounty, Element of Celerity
Shandra'HarKhazra Mage, Rakkis Crossing, UC
Shondar the InvokerDark Summoner, Alcarnus, Bounty, Behistun Rune
SicklefangBat, Fields of Misery, Carrion Farm Event, Bounty, Sydryu Bone
SkehlinrathGoatman Shaman, Southern Highlands, Torn Soul
Slarg the BehemothHellbeast, Silver Spire Level 1, UC
Slarth the TunnelerScavenger Worm, Battlefield of Eternity, SA
SledgeMallet Lord, Hellrift Level 1, Bounty, Quaking Vial
SlingerBogan Trapper, Paths of the Drowned, SA
Soul ScavengerPrimordial Scavenger, Pandemonium Fortress, Demon Souls Event, Bounty, Glowing Ore
Spirit of Khan DakabEnraged Phantom, Dalguhr Oasis, Tomb of Khan Dakab Event, Bounty, Shard of Entsteig Plate
SsthrassDeceiver Magi, Unique Boss, Dahlgur Oasis, Iron Wolves Doctrine
Stinging Death SwarmStinging Swarm, Eastern Channel, UC
Sumaryss the DamnedGhastly Seraph, Westmarch Heights, SA
TadardyaWinged Blood Drinker, Paths of the Drowned, SA
TargeriousGhastly Seraph, Briarthorn Cemetary, SA
Taros the WildLacuni, Howling Plateau, Bounty, Urn of Quickening
Team UnicornPurple Pony (trio), Whimsyshire, Mystical Source
Theodosia BuhreEnraged Phantom, Westmarch Heights, SA
ThornbackQuillfiend, The Keep Depths Level 1, Bounty, Shimmering Quill, UC
Thromp the BreakerDemon Warrior, Skycrown Battlements, Bounty, Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood
ThrumSand Behemoth, Realm of Shadow, Bounty, Shattered Core, UC
Tomekeeper, TheEnraged Phantom, Realm of Shadow, Bounty, Shard of Entsteig Plate, HA
TorchlighterOppressor, Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier, Bounty, Skelon's Dice, UC
Tormented BehemothGrotesque, Halls of Agony Level 2, A Stranger in Need Event, Bounty, Human Cartilage
TorsarDune Dervish, Dahlgur Oasis, UC
TubbersCuddle Bear, Whimsyshire, Eternal Power Capsule
Urik the SeeerDark Summoner, Khazra Den, Behistun Rune
Valifahr the NoxiousHerald of Pestilence, Arreat Crater Level 1, Bounty, Phial of Weakness
Valtesk the CruelAnarch / Exarch (?), Pandemonium Fortress Level 1, SA
Vek MarruBlood Golem, Passage to Corvus, SA
Vek TabokBlood Golem, Passage to Corvus, SA
VenimiteSmall Spider, Caverns of Araneae, UC
Veshan the FierceSubjugator, Gardens of Hope 1st Tier, UC
Vicious Gray TurkeyDemonic Tremor, The Keep Depths Level 3, UC
VilepawBogan, Paths of the Drowned, SA
Volux the ForgottenOppressor, Battlefields of Eternity, Timeless Prison, Skelon's Dice
VoskScarab, Ruins of Corvus, Bloody Pincer
WatareusBarbed Lurker, Battlefields of Eternity, SA
XaphaneAnarch / Exarch (?), Pandemonium Fortress Level 2, SA
YakaraSerpent Demon, Eastern Channel, UC
Yellow Ledbiter?, ?, SA
YergachephExorcist (?), Westmarch Commons, SA
YethHellion, Road to Alcarnus, Behistun Rune
YethSummoned Hound, Road to Alcarnus, Bounty, UC
Zelusa the GraspingLacuni, Caverns of Frost, Icefall Caves, Urn of Quickening
Zhelobb the VenomousLarge Spider, Caverns of Araneae, UC
ZorrusWinged Assassin, Pandemonium Fortress Level 2, SA

Friday, April 25, 2014

Tile of the Week #9

The latest Tile of the Week entry. This week's entry is a full-sized tile, a big single chamber with a step-pyramid in the center, partially surrounded by a water-filled moat.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wilds - Down, Left, Right?

After finding the dead body spiked to the wall, the party's desire to find the necromancer is further increased, but so is their caution. "It's clear he... it knows we're coming back, so we need to be careful," says Durego.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

PBE Games - Release Update

Here's a quick update on what's new from PBE Games on DriveThruRPG (or RPGNow if you prefer). First up is a new trio of Dungeons in Blue Small Dungeons:
Of course all three maps are available in Map Pack #3 at a discount. If you're unfamiliar with Small Dungeons, each map comes in two flavors, a stand-alone version, and a gemorph ready version that can be connected up with other Dungeons in Blue tiles. Here are the one-third scale previews for these maps, showing the player versions of the two types:

Small Dungeons #7

Small Dungeons #8

Small Dungeons #9
I've also published three more Uncommon Ground textures:
And that's it for newly published stuff. Coming up, I'll have a new set of Dungeons in Blue tiles featuring underground streams and lakes, plus more Uncommon Ground, and a new stand alone dungeon map, Traitors' Cavern. There's a new One Page coming out soon too.

Thanks, as always for reading, happy gaming!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Tile of the Week #8

The latest Tile of the Week entry. This week features an underground lake or sea, with a small dock complex on the shore. I've been messing around with some crate and barrel icons too, so they make an appearance here.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wilds - Up and Out!

Exit stage left. Time to get out, recover, and check out the loot. Been away for a bit, this is a bit of a catch-up post.

With the party sorely wounded, it's time: up and out, to camp, rest and recovery. Locky and Mordikarr make a quick check of the hallway to the west while the others get themselves organized, but they see no creatures, owlbear, bugbear, zombie, or other. Locky starts to go north to check out the tree room, but the others are all for leaving, so he reluctantly rejoins the main group.