Here's a quick update on what's new from PBE Games on
DriveThruRPG (or
RPGNow if you prefer). First up is a new trio of
Dungeons in Blue Small Dungeons:
Of course all three maps are available in
Map Pack #3 at a discount. If you're unfamiliar with Small Dungeons, each map comes in two flavors, a stand-alone version, and a gemorph ready version that can be connected up with other
Dungeons in Blue tiles. Here are the one-third scale previews for these maps, showing the player versions of the two types:
Small Dungeons #7 |
Small Dungeons #8 |
Small Dungeons #9 |
I've also published three more
Uncommon Ground textures:
And that's it for newly published stuff. Coming up, I'll have a new set of
Dungeons in Blue tiles featuring underground streams and lakes, plus more
Uncommon Ground, and a new stand alone dungeon map,
Traitors' Cavern. There's a new
One Page coming out soon too.
Thanks, as always for reading, happy gaming!