Sunday, February 23, 2014

PBE Games: New One Page / Uncommon Ground

The latest PBE Games releases since the last update, starting with a few new One Page tables:
Numbers 15 and 16 complete the terrain and hazard tables I started with One Page #8. Pack #3 is a bundle deal offering One Page numbers 11 to 15 at a discount.

I've also released several new Uncommon Ground texture packs:
  • Lunar is an irregular stone surface with a monochromatic appearance.
  • Sand Burn is a grainy stone surface.
  • Wooden Waves depicts smooth-grained wood with wave-like darker lines.
All Uncommon Ground textures are licensed for personal or commercial use. You can see the license right here. Here are the preview image for these new textures.

Sand Burn

Wooden Waves

That's it for this update. Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Wilds - It's a Trap!

After being stymied by the pool at the bottom of the eastern stairs, the party decides to close things up and backtrack to the other stairs, hoping for drier ground.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nameless Coast - Now with Name!

So I've decided to run with the Nameless Coast as the overarching name for this place. I've also started to frame out how I'm going to populate at least parts of it. I'm going to start with pure wilderness with no established populations of intelligent, community-forming creatures (so no humans, elves, dwarfs, goblinoids, or similar). Of course this is a bit of a fuzzy set, since depending on how you interpret creature-descriptions they could be in or out (things like trolls and giants).

Next I'm going to start sending in groups, each with a set of characteristics that include why they're here, how many they are, and how they got here. For example I may introduce a tribe of goblins looking for new territory since their old area is getting overpopulated. They're traveling in from the south-west on foot, they're well-prepared for survival, but they're relatively few in number. Another group might be a shipload of human refugees fleeing a distant war. They stole the ship, are poorly organized, and have little in the way of supplies. Where they land could well determine how long their pseudo-colony survives.

I figure I'll run about 100 years of this sort of thing, with new arrivals coming in randomly over time. Not exactly sure what system will be a fit for this, so I may pull together something in Fudge. I did a quick brainstorm on group motivations / attributes (really quick), and came up with this:

Why are they here?
  • Looking for something
  • Fleeing something
  • Population pressure
  • Invasion
Who are they?
  • Leadership
  • Numbers
  • Unifying characteristics / aspects
  • Underlying divisions
  • Military
  • Survival
  • Trade
How did they get here?
  • Ship
  • Land
  • Magic
What is their attitude toward others?
  • Friendly
  • Xenophobic
  • Hostile
  • Cooperative
  • Neutral
When did they get here?
  • Which decade / year
Obviously this is still very rough, and I haven't really framed how I'm going to achieve forward progress, but it's a start.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Coast of [something] Hex Sandbox

Terrain is done! I spent a few hours (OK, more than a few), finishing off all the six-mile hexes with basic terrain, and then dropped in a couple islands for good measure. Here's the final result.
Final Terrain Map

Monday, February 17, 2014

Wilds - Into the Darkness (again)

Usually I trim down and polish up the turns from this game. Today I decided to just cut and paste the message that went out to my players (minus the contacts section with email addresses and such). The main difference is the addendum that outlines standard marching orders and watches.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Nameless Hexes

I really need a snappy name for this project, but I'm not feeling inspired yet. I had the time to add to the previous map. I'm still using the same basic filling strategy with Ground Rules, and now that I have the edges finished off, it's easier to deal with a full hex at a time. Detailing out a hex worth of terrain takes me about 20 minutes now.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Wilds - Don't Drop Him!

With spells depleted, and worried about the noise of the elevator room drawing foes to the area, the party decides it's time to get out and recover. "We've only been here for a morning and we're already leaving," grumbles Raúguey as he helps Locky and Mordikarr drag the searched goat-thing's corpse to the Reptile House.