Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wilds - Do Not Feed the Reptiles

The next two turns in my play by email game find the party doing some exploration, with two party members splitting off to do their own thing. Chaos seems to be the order of the day...

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Geomorph to Dungeon: A Brief Guide

If you've read my blog or any of my G+ postings, you probably know I publish a line of virtual tabletop geomorphs called Dungeons in Blue. I've been using these geomorphs for some of the maps in my play by email game, The Wilds, and I've mostly worked out the kinks of turning a bunch of tiles into a map that's useful for this style of play, so here's how I do it using Gimp. I assume the reader has a basic understanding of digital paint applications, and the concepts of layers and layer masks. I'll be working with Dungeons in Blue geomorphs in this example, but there are plenty of other tiles out there too.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

PBE Games - Many New Things

Still playing a bit of catch-up with posting post holidays. Every time I think I'm done with that, I find something else to... Ooo shiny!

You get the idea.

Here's the new stuff from this week (and last):

The new kid on the block, Uncommon Ground, is the result of me delving into texture creation. Each texture pack contains four versions of a single seamless base texture, each rendered in a different color. All textures are 2048 by 2048 px PNG images, so they should be easy to import into any digital art application. Textures are all licensed for private or commercial use (read the terms here).

Here's a preview sample of True Grain.

I hope you'll check out some of the new stuff above, thanks as always for reading.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Wilds - Rise from the Dead!

Finally rolling again! Over the holidays we did a bit of a player shuffle, with two people dropping out due to lack of interest. Not completely unexpected in a game that's been running for over a year now. After scrounging around, we found two new players willing to pick up the strays and run with them, so Mordikarr and Locky have been handed off to two new players. This is the first turn with the new lineup, and we had a fairly extensive break, so it's pretty short, and ends with a brief summation of the current situation. Here goes.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Wilds - A Brief Summary

Slowly ramping back up on this, and there are some new players possibly joining the game, so I thought I'd put together a brief summary.

Monday, January 6, 2014

PBE Games Flash Frozen Sale!

tl;dr: All PBE Games individual products are now 20% off on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

Well the polar vortex / winter storm Ion is here, and it's minus 9F with gusty winds. I have a nice snow drift across my front door, and I'm wagering this is all because I ordered a replacement hard drive for my desktop 2nd day delivery!

Rather than complain about the weather I decided to have some fun with it, so while I'm outside freezing my fingertips off as I clear the driveway, you can get 20% off all individual PBE Games products. That includes the two latest releases, One Page Number Twelve : Dungeon Junk, and Dungeons in Blue - Small Dungeons #5, which were just released this past weekend.

The sale ends when the temperature at my local weather station breaks 0F.

Keep Warm. Don't Starve.
Aaand, the sale is done. I neglected to update prices last night, but the temperature this AM was a blistering 11F, so definitely above zero. Hope you found something good.

Friday, January 3, 2014

PBE Games - First 2014 Releases

After dealing with New Year's computer failure, I managed to get the first two products of 2014 out the door. Of course as I was working on uploading the files, I realized I hadn't updated product IDs on the new releases to reflect the new year, so I had to tweak a few files. Products 1051 - 1053 are lost forever. Not that it really matters to anyone but me of course -- who notices product IDs? Anyhow, here's the new stuff:

  • One Page #12 - Dungeon Junk offers twenty piles of possibly useful trash, ready to plug into your labyrinth. Who knows what your players will use it for?
  • Dungeons in Blue Small Dungeons #5 - adds another stand-alone / geomorph hybrid map to the mix. As usual there are player and GM versions of each map, along with the usual map key, preview image, and readme file.
That's it for new products, but not for the day. With bitterly cold weather ahead, I'll be making some chili today for sure!