Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Daruna - A Brief Update and a Map

The Daruna gang are back in town, and settling out their debts and obligations. After selling off their fat, fat loot, they suddenly find themselves with a lot of money. In fact it's an uncomfortable amount to be lugging around, and in their usual non-subtle way, they've not exactly hidden the fact that they have a lot of money.

So they're buying a house.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

DriveThruRPG.com - Halloween Sale

The sale is on at DriveThruRPG.com. The sale includes some cool scare-themed stuff, like Little Fears 10th Anniversary Edition, a spooky bundle from Necromancers of the Northwest, Pelgrane Press's The Book of Unremitting Horror, a bunch of scary bits from Tabletop Adventures, and a mess of Cthulhu related products from Skirmisher Publishing. There's also a pumpkin hunt offering some free goodies.

Check it out!

Vault of Eternal Sleep

The Vault is cut from a single block of a mysterious, deep-blue stone, origin unknown. It is a perfect nine-foot cube, with a single square opening three feet wide cut in the center of one face.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ars Magica - Video Game Kickstarter

This looks intriguing. Ars Magica is one of those games that looked very cool, but I never really had a chance to play. Now it's getting turned into a single-player video game, so maybe soon I can change that.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Island Forge - That Next Step

If you've read any of the previous Island Forge tutorials (like this one or this one), you've probably checked out the results on the Isle of Test. If you've been there, you've probably seen this in the wilderness...
Now What?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Dealing with Coins

Over at the RPG Circus, Jeff questioned the value of encumbrance, specifically with regard to coins. It's a worthy question, with no right or wrong answer, but it's worth thinking about in the context of your campaign.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Marionette Glove

This item is a single, gaudy glove, made from a mishmash of red, yellow, and blue silk strips and panels. A dozen or so strands of heavy, black thread hang from the fingertips and palm of the Glove, each about six inches long. The Glove's cuff is decorated with fine embroidery done in black and silver thread, and careful examination will reveal a command word written in ancient script hidden in this stitching.